Poem- Thoughts
Thoughts which we find useful in one or another way.
It doesn't go away easily from our mind rather it stays.
Thoughts that consume us and trigger our senses.
It brings a range of emotions: some light and some intense.
Thoughts that are governed through experiences and insights.
It helps in detecting basic flaws of understanding and throws positive light.
Thoughts about the future which looks exciting and builds our curiosity.
That challenges the current establishment with sheer pace and ferocity.
Thoughts that are important for our survival.
It cannot be forgotten and needs constant revival.
Thoughts that arise out of selfishness to discredit another person.
It eventually makes way for the situation to get worsen.
The thoughts that give nightmarish experience and utter shock.
It gives us sleepless nights and puts us in the situation of complete deadlock.
Thoughts about a sense of duty help us commit to a particular task.
It requires honesty and sincerity as and when it is being asked.
Thoughts of avoiding pitfalls make us alert.
It saves us from getting ourselves unnecessary hurt.
Thoughts of “what you want to be ?” are based on your personality.
Clearing doubt brings clarity and removes all ambiguity.
Thoughts of unfinished tasks make us restless souls.
Energy and time are spent to finish the goal without any loophole.
Thoughts of discomfort that build concern.
Failing to address; it makes our mind go through intense churn.
Thoughts of surviving the competition help us stay in the game.
Meticulous action and a thoughtful mind are required to beat the peers and reach for an ultimate aim.