Poem- Testing the edges of convention
Trying to think in different way than normal crowd.
keeping an open mind so that broad range ideas come out loud.
Searching for areas where others are not exploring.
Pushing with unconventional approach and keep myself moving.
Demanding change to happen from multidimensional way.
Glittering charm of new direction excites us without any shades of grey.
Emergence of new beginning brings brightness as sunlight does in day.
Fighting boldly the resistance of age old convention, no matter how much price we have to pay.
Not wanting to tread easy path of saying yes, without raising any questions.
Remain fully committed of not getting bogged down by others aggression.
Deeply thinking about missed connections that others have overlooked.
Possibility of exciting change happening get us more hooked.
Let the edge of boundary be tested with full power for our satisfaction.
Lets not squeeze our inner curiosity with our inaction.