Poem- scarcity and innovation
The adage “Necessity is the mother of invention” has been known since ages.
Inventing new solutions with scarce resources is the bedrock of innovating stages.
Never let a lack of resources impede your progress.
Stretch your creative boundaries to solve the unsolved pieces when resources are less.
Improvise to create new patterns and combinations that were previously hidden from sight.
Let scarce resources unleash the best of your hidden potential and bring it into light.
Use every drop of limited resources in the most optimal way while progressing.
Let’s get the job done even with the bare minimum by turning adversity into a blessing.
Create an opportunity out of a constraint when it is least expected.
Allow a positive mindset to make the most of limited resources without letting anyone be least affected.
When there is a sense of urgency, the commitment to achieving the core goal increases multifold.
Tough times call for audacious ambition, even if it means turning coal into gold.
When many small advances come together, they form the recipe for a big win.
Carve out an effective solution to get out of troubled water with a calm mind without any shouts or grins.