Poem- Rushing to be first.
The mad urgency prevails to come first.
Headstart becomes important to keep alive hunger and thirst.
Only first is remembered and rest are forgotten comes to our mind.
Any decline in pace means you will be left behind.
The sense of excitement rushes inside the brain.
The excitement brings so much imagination that it makes us mentally drained.
Some excitement doesn’t make sense and it seems absurd.
But the thought of achieving the target first makes you emotionally stirred.
The mind keeps weaving thoughts of accolade and praise.
We feel more empowered when the target will be successfully chased.
Sense of relief comes on becoming number first.
The assumption remains that ground that has been gained will not be reversed.
Sometimes you wonder whether the target that has been achieved is crucial for society?
Not finding an honest answer will fill your mind with a range of anxiety.
You wonder in the mad rush of coming first; have you been missing a larger objective?
Which puts your line of thought and line of action in proper perspective.
The competition of proving yourself better no matter what ; doesn’t seem that effective.
And all the target and mad rush if not serve larger purpose seem defective.