Poem-role of dreams in innovation
In dreams, the subconscious mind makes many random associations to bring missing links to light.
These associations play a pivotal role in memory consolidation, helping us gain deeper insights.
In dreams, we can link existing learning experiences with our pre-existing knowledge efficiently.
This strengthens our ability to process questions and helps us gain ground more proactively.
During dreams, stress decreases, emotions deescalate, and rational thinking comes to the forefront.
When solutions to previously impenetrable problems pop into our heads, it results in a successful puzzle hunt.
A dream enables us to explore solutions that our waking brains fail to detect.
With neural firing happening simultaneously during deep sleep, our creative bulb glows brightly, allowing us to connect various aspects.
Serendipitous collisions of creative insights during dreams facilitate a new chain of innovation.
Combinatory play of neuron supports back of mind idea with a solid foundation.
Finding something valuable in a dream, even though we had no expectations, brings lots of cheer.
These accidental discoveries cover up our prior failed attempts, adding meaning to our endeavours.