Poem — Push others Down
You will always find people who keep saying that they are above you.
Their brilliance cannot be matched by anyone but few.
This naive arrogance give them liberty to criticize.
Others get uncomfortable & left with no option but to agonize.
They must be unaware of their shallow thinking that fill them with pride.
They don’t lend helping hand when you want them to guide.
They keep telling- you are hopeless, useless & have committed a great error
With such treacherous words, they fill your mind with nothing but a complete terror.
You seldom find any rationale to this kind of behavior
Instead of bullying us, they could have been our savior.
No matter how much we try never to meet them.
They keep popping at different times to push our commitment to complete vain.
I wonder what they achieve by seeking joy in other's trouble.
Relative superiority & false pride they say- which is nothing but a form of a bubble.
We dont know how to deal with them but mind say just ignore
Carve your destiny without taking any ill will from anyone anymore.
The only way to get out is to embrace the vastness of nature & understand its humility.
People must learn as it gives everything without any moment of hostility.