#Poem #poetry Forget Bad Memories
Let’s forget those memories that wretched our soul
These bad events never allowed us to fulfill our goal.
Events happened in part but it consumed our mind as a whole.
Constant overthinking & negativity pushed us completely out of control.
On remembering, it puts our mind in a deadly spin.
Fear pierces through our body & spike appears in the skin.
No matter how much we cover it up, it resurfaces during our struggle.
Stress overwhelms us & the mind continues to juggle.
We want things to be stable & come back to normal life.
We cannot always live in the edge like a hanging knife.
We yearn for the support of others when we go through tough times.
But people ignore us as if we committed a sinful crime.
We cannot correct our past mistakes, but only we can learn.
Despite knowing this well, it does not help us in reducing our concerns.
We are being told- take a deep breath, consult an expert, write your thoughts down.
It frees up your mental space so you can think peacefully without any frown.
We cannot ruin our future because something bad happened in past.
Let's do whatever we can , so that these memories do not last.