Poem instant gratification
People of modern generation wants desired results to occur as quick as flash.
The thought of being patient with something has become redundant and find it’s place in trash.
Everything has to happen now; otherwise it will be dumped forever.
Any delay means people lose its interest and will come back to it never.
Mood swing and boredom is happening at rapid pace.
Mind gets eaten away by constantly indulging into relentless race.
With so much options around, will to continue and stick to one thing for long is not happening.
While doing all flip flop, mind loses its calm and stability which is quite saddening.
The myth of overnight success is driving youth crazy.
And any work which takes time to show it’s desired outcome is considered lazy.
Our attention span is getting short and conclusion is reached within a moment.
Important things goes unnoticed when we ignore it’s meaningful components.
After using things, it doesn’t take much time to forget it’s existence.
Mind quickly gets tempted towards switching to different alternatives without resistance
The rapid rush of taking command over everything is strange.
Any feeling of being tied or losing control makes us feel deranged.
The power of compounding which is foundation for long term success has lost its relevance among modern crowd.
The slow and steady improvement over a long period of time is no longer a matter of proud.