Poem-Independent thinking
Blindly believing what others tell you to believe is an onslaught on an independent mind.
Other control over you through this mental slavery will always push you behind.
Getting bogged down by societal prejudices will not bode well for your self-development.
Allowing others to interfere in your own thinking will lead to an unthinkable predicament.
Come out of others’ shadows if you want to grow.
Always have your own spine, even if you have to suffer a mild blow by going slow.
Preserve your intelligence by cultivating your own thinking process, which is the hallmark of a few.
Take control of your mind and never allow others to make decisions for you.
Stand firm on your choice ,so no force can shake you from outside or within.
In every thick and thin place, grow yourself as a visionary, fearless, resilient human being.
Let self-governing, self-directing, and independent attitudes run through every human’s blood.
Allow your inner conviction to make a new change so you can rise like a flower bud.
Don’t let your charm of intelligence get lost by imprisoning your mind with others’ dictates.
Don’t let your independence get eroded, so that you have no control over your own fate.