Poem — Gambling
When you gamble, you risk in haste.
You hope fortune will come to you quickly and you will be well placed.
You justify your move by giving logic which don’t hold water for a second.
You keep weaving pipe dream inside mind which is not a good thing to reckon.
Too many moves made in a short frame of time in a hope of miracle .
Everything is left on luck recklessly without any rationale.
After making first wrong move, instead of backtracking, you keep upping the stakes to overturn previous error.
Succeeding moves , instead of bringing respite, pushes you to commit same mistakes which makes you a bad player.
Irony of mind is that it doesn’t accept loss easily and it keeps searching for winner.
In a search of masterstroke, you risk heavily and your prospect of recovering gets thinner.
You keep saying, this is last move, but move after move keeps happening.
Not able to put stop and getting carried away by emotion is quite saddening.
Your desperation of turning situation in your favour doesn’t see day light.
You try to change the destiny that has gone wrong with all might.
These impulsive decisions causing irreversible damage.
Not realising it at first and letting things go out of control put you in great disadvantage.
The thrill and excitement that comes with gambling keep tempting us and is difficult to resist.
In seeking short term gain, risk less game initially can translate into potential disaster after giving all twist.
To get something you don’t have, by risking everything you have is not a sign of an astute person.
When irrational risk taking goes to an extreme , it eventually causes mental stability to get further worsen