Poem expectation trap
Having reasonable expectation is good, but it creates problem when others hope reaches sky high.
Too much expectation interefers with an easy going life as it is difficult to comply.
Unreasonable expectations add all unnecessary pressure.
Fulfilling it remains wild goose chase as it is never measured.
As one target is reached, it opens up gateway for further higher expectation.
It feels like entering into never ending loop with more and more complications.
As one could not achieve their dream, they want to force their expectation through you.
If expectation is missed, disappointment sink in and relationship gets screwed.
Even though expectation is fulfilled, joy derived from it is not indefinitely produced.
After some time passes, normalcy is restored and it’s impact is reduced.
Sometimes our expectation is so utopian, that it falsifies ground reality.
Not keeping realistic expectation in mind fulfills only our fantasy losing all it’s vitality.
Expectation is like a staircase with an infinite step where you keep moving up and endpoint keep moving far.
If you don’t take time for yourself, expectation trap will eat your mind slowly and steadily which makes you feel bizarre