Poem- Dont search pattern in chaos
Humans’ self-serving behaviour wants patterns be found everywhere, even if they don’t make sense.
The illusion of finding order amidst chaos distorts reality to give a picture of false pretence.
Though patterns appear from time to time, their presence is not long-lasting.
No clear-cut plan can be made out of it to give foundation for any forecasting.
It’s enticing to look for patterns, and it can even trick a genius person.
Feeling convinced and self-assured about cutting the Gordian knot can cause the situation to get worsen.
The fantasy of pattern gives us a sense of self control and makes us believe that the behaviour of any chaotic event can be understood.
And actions can be taken accordingly to dominate chaos outrightly and give oneself a powerful boost.
When the storm comes, you keep waiting for your derived findings and formulas to be proven right.
But the erratic nature of chaos can dash all your optimism and push you into further plight.
Pattern illusions are like oasis in the desert; they appear perfect from a afar but vanish as we get closer.
Being drawn to patterns in chaos, even though they do not exist, resembles nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
If someone is able to anticipate with pinpoint accuracy, luck plays a significant part.
Truth be told, luck’s position cannot be underplayed to take us out of chaos and give us a new start.
The elements and parts of chaos move in non-linear fashion without following any well-defined path.
Any attempt to simplify it with tall promises and gullible predictions will face its aggressive wrath.
There is no pattern in chaos. It always keeps us wondering and never repeats itself, leaving no trace or any clue.
Intelligence lies in understanding its true power and acknowledging its supremacy over you.