Poem- Buy the dip
Before buying the dip
Save your sleep.
Don’t sideline it as a minor blip.
Observe carefully without showing any brinkmanship.
If discomfort arises, patiently skip.
Don’t step in without being fully equipped.
If you come unprepared, you have a high chance of getting ripped,
which may make you feel dizzy and tripped.
Have control over your emotions and don’t lose your grip.
Don’t take any situation lightly, or you’ll get badly whipped.
Without clear direction, seal your lips,
to avoid being part of a sinking ship.
Don’t overestimate your wit,
When you have no ammunition to protect yourself from being badly hit.
Don’t participate unless clarity emerges without flipping.
Allow the noise to fade and the clear signal to be heard with a shrill beeping.
Stick to a plan like cement bonded with brick.
Don’t cause more trouble by indulging in an untested trick.