Poem- Aha moment
Pondering over the question and sleeping on it.
Chasing the answer with full dedication and grit.
Any lapse of attention is not entertained at any cost.
Otherwise, the whole progress made till now will be lost.
Continuously thinking for a long time may sometimes stress your brain.
This pain is swallowed to make meaningful gain.
The depth of the problem is baffling, but it cannot be left unresolved.
Inner doggedness persists when all parts of the brain are fully involved.
The eyelids get closed when we are lost in the world of our thought process.
Focus is held tightly so the problem is effectively addressed.
The deadlock ends when we see bright rays of a clue.
The moment needs to be seized because its occurrence is rare and few.
Time is not faraway when we reach some breakthrough.
The ‘aha moment’ runs through the body on finding a solution that is entirely new.