Don't fit into other Peoples narrative
No matter what, people will always impose their version of life upon you.
But their version depends upon their experience and observation that shapes their point of view.
Your life is governed by different trajectories, different circumstances-there is no point of any similarity.
Succumbing ourselves to their pressure will create more vagueness with no clarity.
You must chart your own version based upon how you perceive your life.
You don't need to get paranoid as if you are going to get killed with a dangling knife.
All success and failures are relative-it depend upon people's narrative and imagination.
Seeing social norms from a fresh perspective ignites your thinking & saves you from frustration.
The pillars of life — which you have defined for yourself should never get it diluted.
It is a true benchmark that gives you happiness because its foundation is very deep-rooted.
When in confusion- Always ask why? What's its rationale? Does it truly define your sense of living?
If not- why to blindly believe it? What purpose is it solving except making your life completely unforgiving?
Unless you find purpose on your own- you wont be able to push your life with conviction.
And in challenging times — you will fall like a pack of cards adding more and more infliction.