50 life lessons part 5

Debjeet Das
7 min readAug 16, 2022


201. No matter how much you want people to respect you or give attention to you, it will never happen as you want. People will only give you respect and attention when they feel their work/service/appearance is valuable enough to be respected.

202. We always regret time lost due to infinite scrolling on social media, but we still can’t resist its temptation.

203. Engaging in physical violence personally is an act of stupidity. Neither does it help you reach any conclusion, nor does it serve any of your larger purposes. Real wisdom lies in avoiding fights as long as you can and moving away when there is strong dissent.

204. Never let your present be hijacked by the shadow of the past or the uncertainty of the future. Just enjoy your existence in the present, and that’s what really matters.

205. In the end, everyone wants peace of mind. If peace of mind is not there, somewhere, something is going wrong and you have to identify and cure it at any cost.

206. Never let your suffering enter into your heart, otherwise there will be no learning and only sadness will prevail inside.

207. After you achieve your success, you will find the desire and the journey you took to achieve something sweeter than achievement itself.

208. Youth connects with youth more and old connects with old more often; in rare occasion connection among Youngs and old are prevalent.

209 “Soft” is stronger than “hard.” Water is more powerful than rocks, and love is more powerful than coercion.

210 When others’ advice doesn’t help us come out of a specific problem, it becomes meaningless, no matter how many pearls of wisdom it has.

211. If you appear too many times before others in a short time frame, people will get bored of you. quickly

212) When facts don’t support your argument, don’t cover it up with juicy narration. Accept that you are wrong. Humans are fallible, and it’s better to accept that rather than force yourself into a chain of lies and ego, which will never help you grow.

213. Live life like a pig. Pigs are disliked by humans due to their appearance and behaviour, but they don’t give a damn; they go about their daily lives and play in the mud regardless of what other people think.

214. When you are working on an interesting and important project, don’t disclose it to others until it is finished. For any creative project to succeed, an element of mystery and secrecy is very much required. When someone doesn’t know what you are working on, your motivation to prove your mettle to others increases exponentially, but that same motivation and enthusiasm doesn’t come when your actions become predictable to others.

215. You will need to exercise extreme self-control to pursue your creative endeavours because no one will be there to push you or set goals for you. You must begin, work on, construct, carry out, and finish it on your own.

216. Going to sleep at night without a lingering worry in mind is an unfulfilled dream for many.

217. Leverage your advantage more rather than harping on your loss to make decent progress in life.

218. The best way to hypnotise your thinking is to say or make you see something again and again till it occupies your subconscious brain, and if you don’t say “no” or move away , you will be a puppet of forceful information that is fed to you through constant repetition. “Media” does this to you to hijack your mind

219. If you are forcefully doing something, don’t do it. Its end result will seldom come in the desired way, and, moreover, the journey undertaken will be painful.

220. Modern day life promotes: if your life is miserable, make others’ miserable too.

221. No matter how many problems and crises you have, if you find someone whose life is in worse shape than you, then you feel delighted. The intrinsic joy of being human lies in relative comparison and find themselves superior.

222 A life that is guided by urges and wishes rather than thoughts and insights will always leave you feeling empty on the inside because your decisions will be based on looking outward rather than inward, and people’s actions will control your actions.

223. Knowledge can be passed on, but wisdom cannot be. It is acquired through experience and reflection.

224. The work you need to identify and accomplish is the one that leaves you feeling utterly absorbed and lost while you’re doing it and removes any thought of time from your head.

225. When others’ words linger in your mind, it means he/she said something that you have experienced or deeply connected to but never deeply thought about.

226. The purpose of ‘why’ you are living has to be found out at some point in life. Without it, your mind will never be at peace.

227. Once someone cheats you, lost trust is difficult to get back.

228. When you can’t tell others clearly what you do for a living, people will leave no time to put you under suspicion.

Even if someone is not credible, if many people around you praise him and say good things about him, your perception of him will also be positive. But pause, think, verify, and then make a conclusion before joining the herd.

230. The one who keeps flattering you wants you to enter a bubble of fantasy, which is short-lived and never encourages you to push harder. Flattery is only good if you don’t want to grow, as it never allows you to revisit, reflect, and take corrective action on your past mistakes.

231, Your personal success gives you no right to hurt others through your trash talk in any way.

232. Never bring the ego of professional success to a personal relationship. Many relationships and friendships go broke due to status wars and ego, which is undesired and unwanted.

Those who saw your failure in the past are unlikely to appreciate your future success.Because your past gave them hollow superiority over you, and now when the table turns, they will resist it by downplaying your success. Never pay due attention to them.

Pay attention to those who know you through your work before they know you in person.

234, Most thoughtful work, which requires imagination and new ways of thinking, is done at a slower pace, with less emphasis on the timeline.

235. Humans are self-adjusting creatures.

Whenever any narrative goes against them, they will change the narrative to suit their motives.

They will automatically distance themselves from something that feels threatening or inconvenient to them .

236. Let the world run in a superfast way, but you don’t need to get intimidated by it. You move at your own pace — which you find suitable and convenient.

237. The most useful messages tend to be short. Long messages usually lose their vitality while conveyed to the receiver, as humans can’t pay focused attention to longer messages.

238. No matter how much we advance, we will never be satisfied because there will always be things to achieve.

249. More than physical age, your thoughts make you young or old. Always preserve youthful energy, excitement and enthusiasm in your thinking and you will always be young.

240. Closed-ended conversations where only one person speaks and others listen always fall apart in the long run. In order for conversation to be engaging and long-lasting, it must be open-ended where people participate and have something to say in conversation.

241. When you commit yourself to not intentionally hurting others through your words and actions, your quality of thinking improves drastically, which further helps you in self-growth.

242. Once you master any skill, no matter how much time you distance yourself from it, once it is again brought back to you, you will be able to do it very efficiently.

243. The art of letting go is the most under-rated skill — letting go your worries, anger, others’ rude behaviour, etc.

244. You do your work and want to be acknowledged for it. Isn’t it? But the world doesn’t work as per your wish. Many of your works will go unnoticed, but your ability to continue working should not be contingent on whether or not others notice you.

245. Don’t make yourself so fragile that others’ vicious attitudes towards you penetrate inside your heart so much that you start to overthink about others’ hatred and start to self-sabotage yourself. Learn to let go, learn to grow and learn to focus inwards.

246, Innocence has no value when you find yourself landing in a territory surrounded by hungry attacking scavengers. They will attack you no matter what, and you will be swallowed instantly if you keep showing innocence and don’t make your moves. Defend, protect, and prepare to fight to get out and save yourself from such a situation.

247. You will only be remembered after you die.

1: You will create your legacy that sustains and survives for a long time and doesn’t get wiped off by the shadow of time. It can be anything, be it art,companies,tools, inventions, books, etc.

Two: The people you help and inspire them through your service, which percolates down to many generations.

248. Good music creates a magical effect of transporting worry out of our minds and allowing us to get lost in its soulful rhythm.

249. If you have done something wrong and admit it, the situation is quickly resolved; however, if you try to hide it, the situation escalates and many angry exchanges occur, which can further harm your reputation.

250. Too much speed is fatal when there are many turns on your way. Move on when there is a green light, go slow when there is a yellow light, and stop when there is a red light.



Debjeet Das
Debjeet Das

Written by Debjeet Das

former Banker in SBI, author of 9 books

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