50 life lessons part 3
101 When you play tricks with others for your own benefit, You will also be tricked by others in your own game at some point in life.
102 The world will not change as per your needs, it will change when it has to.
103 Sugar coated words of others should always be taken with a pinch of salt, as you don’t know what kind of malicious game is hidden behind it.
104 Never forget your commitments made to others, because others will never forget the commitment you made to them. And when it’s left unattended, you run the risk of losing your respect before them.
105 When ideas come to you unexpectedly, it is because you are not dismissing the problem casually, but rather taking it seriously by allowing your subconscious mind to constantly work on it.
106 Helping others emotionally in their time of need is one of the best gifts-one person can extend it to others.
107 Teaching lessons to strangers by showing the mistakes and downfall of your loved one is the worst way to backstab a precious relationship.
108 You will always be pulled away from your goal if it is decided on your behalf by society rather than your conscious self.
109 The foundation of any relationship is built on mutual trust. If there is no trust, any structure built out of it will always be shaky.
110 Never participate in the panic created by others. Most of the time, others create panic for no reason.
111 No need to stand tall in others’ eyes. Stand tall in your own eyes first.
112 In the long run, polite and calm people always have an edge over rude and angry people.
113 Enjoying small things in life is a trait of wise people.
114 If you cannot do something with full passion and full heart, maybe you aren’t interested in doing such things and you aren’t supposed to do such things.
115 Studying history is important because it teaches you that whatever and whenever you think that something is happening for the 1st time-has already happened earlier at some point of time & it is known through the pages of history.
116 When you listen to others’ problems patiently and empathetically without judgement, bias, or interfering in mid-way;you gain their respect quickly.
117 Never play others’ games the way they want you to play them. If you don’t have freedom to manoeuvre things the way you want, walk away as and soon as you feel inconvenient.
118 Spending time to learn about yourself before learning about others is always beneficial in long run.
119 Never ever think that your work is more important than others’.
Always respect and acknowledge others’ efforts and their struggles to make a living in this world.
120 You can be made a villain by the same guy who was showing you respect just a few days ago.Most humans are volatile in nature, they are fickle-minded. The sooner you understand, the better it is.
121 If something you do turns from fun to shackles and burden, it is a time to revisit the question-why are you still doing it?
122 If you are enjoying your life but if it looks dull in others eye, don’t be bothered by it and continue such enjoyment for an extended period.
123 When you gamble, your mind works differently. On making profit you stop taking risk but when you start to make huge losses, your risk-taking increases proportionately with more aggressive bets. Despite knowing that you are causing more damage to the existing problem, you never think of stopping, but focus yourself on recovering the loss and eventually lose everything you have due to unchecked emotions.
124 If you are in no mood to help others, don’t extend your hand to come to their rescue. Halfhearted help never works in a desired way.
125 Extreme ideology corrupts your soul and takes away the purity of your heart.
126 If you are not an expert, you are in no position to pass comment on it.
127 Never borrow from your relatives or friends casually. Once you borrow from them, your respect in their eyes will not be the same as before.
128 Measured conversation is always desirable when your work requires deep thinking.
129 Anything ceases to be valuable to you if you can get it easily, no matter how precious or worthwhile it is.
130 You don’t need to justify to others how you are living your life unless your life is dependent on them.
131 Never reveal your creative projects to outsiders before completion. It sucks away your creativity by diverting your focus to irrelevant things.
132 When you play long term game, focus on process and never on outcome. You will better be able to deal with the volatility of up and down and mood swings associated with it.
133 Never get absorbed in your worries and anxieties so much that you lose your willingness to live. No worry is worthy of being dragged for an extended period of time.
134 Condition your mind in such a way that you treat success and failure as part of learning, rather than as a game of win and loss.
135 Never run away from your problems by getting addicted to unwanted things. In order to suppress one problem, you create larger and more menacing problems out of nowhere.
136 When you are embarrassed and disgusted by your own inappropriate actions or words,Think deeply about why you have done, what you have done? And what you intend to do about it so that it does not happen again.
137 Excellence has no upper limit. Sky is the limit. Keep perfecting your art as long your as long as your mind and body permit you to do it.
138 Age and maturity have no correlation. It is not necessary that every person becomes more mature with age. Maturity comes from the range of experiences you encountered in life and from the teachings of books and people around you.
139 Greed is vicious and can bring much ruin. Excessive greed can never satisfy you. When your greed exceeds your limits, it causes a slew of unanticipated consequences in your life.
140 If you are truly excited about starting your new project. Protect that enthusiasm at any cost from the many vultures around you who only have negatives to talk about.
141: The chain of endless expectation will always be there. As you fulfil one expectation, some other expectation gets attached to you. It is like an infinite staircase, where you keep moving up and stairs keep getting added on.
142 Never tell someone to follow something that you have not mastered on your own.
143 While moving on a sleepery slope, always tread with caution.It always encourages you to move fast in the beginning, but when the slope gets steep, your fast run may cause you to tumble, which takes no time to create havoc.
144 Learn to enjoy your own company. From birth to death, you spend the most time with yourself.
145 The real value of something you own is only known when it is lost or goes away.
146. Never force others to do something that they don’t want to do. Nothing must be gotten done through coercion. Respect others choice.
147 Don’t act as if you are superior to others. If you are superior, people will shower you with respect and if you aren’t, you will know it naturally.
148 To translate your intentions to reality, be ready to stop daydreaming and make many sacrifices before you begin to see some miracle happening.
149 Protect your morning time. If first 2 hours after being awake go the way you want, it decides the entire course of the day. Don’t let it be ruined by others’ cacophony and nonsense shouts.
150 When everything dies inside you, the only thing that can resurrect your soul is your inner calling. No one can help you find it. You have to find it on your own and act upon it.