50 life lessons part 2

Debjeet Das
7 min readJul 27, 2022


51. Think deeply about what you would want to be known for after you die. Chasing too many things is not worth it. You will always be known for 1 or 2 things (if done excellently) after you die.

52. If you want to pursue some new project that you have never tried before, stop looking for perfection from the very first go. Perfection is the enemy of progress. Make errors, learn from them, improve on them, and move forward.

53Uncontrolled emotions are the source of the majority of evil.Check it’s madness before it goes out of control.

54. No one can get you out of your own life crisis except you. If a problem is in front of you, you are the best and only person to solve it and get out of it. Others can help you in bits and pieces, but not beyond that.

55. If someone close to you makes fun of you or makes your life miserable in public constantly, despite your discomfort, Ask yourself hard, “is being in such a relationship worth it or not?”. Feel free to walk away if the answer is “no.” Never be at the mercy of those who don’t give you respect.

56. Protect your family under any circumstances. Their safety and security is worth fighting for.

57) It is very difficult to participate in others’ happiness when your inner world is going through major turbulence.

58) When someone keeps reminding you about your past mistakes without giving you any solution, distance yourself from them. Avoid such jerks. Life would be much better without them.

59) The more options you have in life, the more confusion will occur, and eventually your focus will deviate. To be great at something, having fewer options is key.

60. Stop playing it too safe in life. Take some risks. If it pays off, you will reach greater heights, and if it doesn’t, you will learn many amazing lessons. Either way, it is worth it.

  1. The person who pretends to know everything should always be regarded with suspicion.Either he thinks you are stupid or he has no idea of what he is talking about.

62. Spend some portion of your time reading and learning new things, no matter what your age is, not because it gives you an edge over others, but because it genuinely brings peace of mind.

63) The main characteristic of fraud is painting too many rosy pictures in front of you in a short period of time and asking you to be part of it. When something is too good to imagine, tread cautiously.

64. If something is said to you again and again by a crowd, never assume that they are correct automatically. Truth and facts don’t change with more public participation. If given a choice, always go with the correct facts rather than go with the herd.

65. Work diligently to build a high-quality network. Networking becomes very crucial in finding good opportunities, helping you connect with like-minded people and opening doors for greater opportunity.

66. Never compromise on professional and personal ethics ever due to others’ pressure or strong influence. You must preserve it, protect it, and gain strong ground over it as you progress in life’s journey.

67) Any profession/job you don’t enjoy or feel interested in is not worth pursuing for a long time. Figure out what you truly enjoy doing or are passionate about and find ways to monetize or make income out of it so you can live financially independent.

68. If you have a problem, never find an easy way to shift blame to others or give an excuse. It is a slippery slope. The more you try to do it, the deeper you will fall into the hole. Always sit down, think about the origin of the problem, and find a solution step-by-step.

69) Never assume that success in one field will give you success in other fields automatically. To achieve excellence in any field, you must have a beginner’s mindset, humility, sense of commitment and patience.

70 Never speak more than is necessary.There is a greater chance of losing talk if the conversation extends beyond its value.

71. Never tolerate injustice done to you. “Speak it up.” Raise your voice. Never think you are insignificant.

72. Your real freedom will prevail when you are able to take decisions without thinking “what would society think about me?” Carrying unnecessary baggage and creating a deadlock situation for you is not worth it.

73) Never force or urge others to follow your path. As many humans, as many thoughts, as many paths. There are many routes to success. Success is not boundary-defined or path-defined.

74. Never ever think that your personal failure, relationship failure, or professional life failure will help you gain sympathy from others. In this busy world, nobody has time to think about others. When you fall, you must rise and emerge strong on your own.

75. In the workplace, be wary of your senior/boss if they fail to give you credit for a job well done or if they take credit away from you and give it to someone else. Never refer to them as a leader. They want to do bad things. They should never be treated with more dignity.

76. Never bootlick your boss for a promotion. If you are in the right place, you will climb the ladder through your merit. Never compromise on your personal ethics.

77. The chain of expectations from others will never stop. At some point, you have to break the chain and have to ask yourself “What do you truly want?”

78. Don’t dismiss or form an unfavourable view of somebody by listening to the biassed voices of others. Unless a person has done something wrong to you or made you feel disgusted by his actions or words, Without any preconceived notions, treat him or her like you would any other normal, decent person.

79) Don’t hurt others’ feelings or break your meaningful relationship by saying harsh or unacceptable words in anger. Just sit and move away for a while from everyone till your mood cools down and the rage inside of you dissipates.

80. When everyone is screaming out at each other at the top of their voices, Make sure you don’t participate in a cacophony. The strength of silence is often unnoticed, but it is powerful in its own way.

81) Arguments with others are mostly futile. There is no learning or answers in any argument. Only the display of ego is prevalent.

82) Making no mistakes at work is hardly a noteworthy life accomplishment. Through mistakes, we learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t in real life. (Serious errors that cause harm to others are not tolerated.)

83) Stop getting mad at others because of your problem. Nobody deserves to be the victim of your wrath. Never show your hollow dominance over others without any conceivable reason.

84) Sitting along quietly without feeling the need for other people’s company and getting lost in your world is one of the most beautiful things.

85. Misery doesn’t come gradually or in a step-wise way. One misery overlaps with another and always attacks you with full force.

86) A long-term solution to any problem can only be found by identifying its root cause and not finding a solution as per your own convenience.

86 When your life is messed up, you don’t get the courage inside to interfere in others’ lives in any possible way.

87 Dark Side of Humanity: Instead of being compassionate about others’ misery, people usually make it a matter of gossip to add salt to others’ injury and also get happiness by comparing that they are not in such a situation.

Never share your problems with an insensitive soul. They make your problem even bigger.

88) People love moving targets. As they achieve one target, they search for another one. Your previous achievements become meaningless in your mind when your future is on shaky ground.

89) The joy of finding a solution on your own after going through all the adversity is always sweeter than getting an easy way out by riding someone’s back.

90) When it comes to important decisions in your life, “going slow” is always preferable.

91. Our imagination of how things could get wrong is always exaggerated and unfounded. Those things seldom go wrong in reality.

92) Never change yourself just to look good to others. Self-deception is the worst deception.

93) Anything you are forced to achieve in a short amount of time is not worth fighting for. Most life-changing things happen over a longer time frame.

94. Going for a long walk and engaging yourself in deep thinking about all the problems that are bothering you is an underappreciated treasure which very few have harnessed. And those who have done it know it’s beautiful magic.

95. No one gains anything by recalling the past ruins. Bury your not-so-good past in the grave like the dead.Digging it out and bringing it into the open will only bring frustration and, moreover, it is pointless.

96. Never give false hope to others if you genuinely know you neither have the willingness nor the capability/expertise to help on your own.

97. Never feel bad about a late start. Any beginning to realise your dream, at any age, is always significant.

98 When you attempt to avoid your personal problem and leave it unresolved.

You increase your chances of falling into even deeper trouble problem later.

99 If you lack adequate knowledge of something, don’t be afraid to say ‘I don’t know,’ rather than falsely claiming you do and failing miserably when asked to prove it.

100. Real enjoyment is always found in privacy. Don’t make every aspect of your life public.Decide which part of life you want to keep private and which part you want to make public.



Debjeet Das
Debjeet Das

Written by Debjeet Das

former Banker in SBI, author of 9 books

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