50 life lessons part-1
1 Learning from your experience remains etched in your mind for the longest possible time. Good or bad-anything it can be.
2) Never attempt to alter your personality. Your personality is God’s gift. Don’t change it because of others’ demands. You must project yourself as what you are, not what people want you to look like. You will never feel comfortable faking your personality for long periods of time.
3) Never accept others’ bullshit.Once you show others that you are ‘weaker’ they will always try to pounce upon you. Show kindness to only those who is kind to you, not to those who is saying evil thing against you. Don’t be like sponge that sucks up water until its full. Counter them by rejecting their bullshit at first go.
4 Flaws in the give-and-take relationship- These relationships ceases to exist once its utility is over. You have to learn to accept it as it is. The bond always remain weak from beginning
5: An insult is not easily forgotten-Even a childhood insult is remembered in your old days. Always think 1000 times before insulting others.
6 Childhood trauma doesn’t get wiped off easily from mind
7 Your independent thought is important.
8: Never give advice to others unless asked.Unsolicited advice is seldom taken in good spirit.
9 True friends never backbitch; if they do, -friendship was never there.
10: Never brag, and never put others down.Both are sign of your weak personality.
11 Never show your weakness to one-who can never give you a solution.
12: It is not the end of the world if you lose.You can always come back.
13: Do what you enjoy.It matters.
14: The futile world of comparison is never ending.Getting compared with others is insulting because you are being robbed off your individuality.
15 Never underestimate your inner ability.
16 Protect your self-esteem and never hurt others.
17 Understand yours and others’ irrelevance in the gamut of the universe and stop giving too much importance.
18 Don’t judge others.You are not God.
19 Keep expectations low.
20 Life doesn’t stop for anyone. It goes on.
21. Never be afraid to engage in self-talk.
22 Don’t regret but reflect on your errors and mistakes.
23 When you can’t add much value through your talk, don’t talk.
24 Understand the power of silence.
25 Patience and perseverance are the most important weapons you can have.
26 Gossip and backbitching are tempting, -but it deteriorates your quality of thought.
27 Never be in a position where you become a slave to others. Your independence matters.
28 Never stop learning, as there is no end to it.
27 Never impose your perspective on others. Everyone thinks differently.
30 Never mock someone else’s appearance.
31 Stop making everyone happy.It is a futile exercise.
32 When you lie Don’t cover it up. Don’t justify. Just say it was a lie.
33 Getting too excited or dejected by short term success/failure is a losing game.
34 Happiness resides within, not outside.
35 Having a sense of meaning is crucial to fight out all the odds.
36 Failure and struggle teach you more important lessons than success and fame.
37 your hopes and goals keep you alive. Never let it die.
38. Never let your ego or pride get to your mind.It does more harm than good.
39 Never make any important decision in an emotionally charged state. When emotions overpower you, rational thinking goes for toss.
40 Focus on your strengths and weaknesses rather than getting scared or finding loopholes in others’ strengths and weaknesses.
41 No matter how much you desire, things will never happen the way you want them to.Shocks and surprises will always be there. Be mentally prepared for these.
42 Make your rules of life based on your observations and experiences.Don’t pollute it by seeking other confirmation.
43 There is nothing to fear in this world. It is the creation of your own weak heart. Douse it off before it conquers you.
44 Don’t excessively indulge in the rat race. You will defeat some and others will defeat you. It is a wild goose chase, which will always leave some kind of void within.
45 Have a passion and love for something which you can continue even without others’ praise or affiliation.
46 Don’t regret too much over a broken/lost relationship. Accept and acknowledge the inevitable truth that most relationships will die before you die.
47 The most important training in life is to train yourself to be mentally and emotionally strong. Once you know how to control your mind, you can fight and win any hostile situation.
48 Always make some time to sit in silence. .It is your time with your mind and your heart. Your most crucial thoughts and ideas come in silence.
49 Never forget the contribution of those people who helped and supported you in your lean and downward phase. Precious relationships must always be preserved as long as possible.
50 If others feel jealous or have a feeling of hatred against you, don’t respond. It is their problem. Control what you can control. You can never control others thought about you.It is not in your hand. Concentrate on your problems first.