20 Traps to avoid in life.
1 Never take any important decision in an emotional state- Always step back, give time to rest your mind.
Emotional decision= Less reasoning+worse outcome
2 Never discuss your personal loss/your low phase with someone who cannot give you a specific solution or to the one whom you cannot ask for help in your downward curve.
3 Never ever compare yourself with others-Embrace your struggle,embrace your success . Always have sense of independence.
4 Never indulge in backbiting/talk behind the back- In a social circle-it is a common trait and it is also tempting to indulge into. But it does more harm than good. It robs out your analytical ability,it puts you in restlessness and a sense of anger always stays in your mind. Avoid it at all costs.
5 Never say anything that hurts others' feelings-We may sometimes be so obsessed with ourselves that we say things that shows other in a bad light. Always ask what good Am I achieving by denigrating/pulling down others?
6 Never Impose your feeling/opinion on others- Everyone has to figure out what is good for them in an independent way.You can give range of possibilities or sense of direction but when you try to say “you have to do it”. It gets counterproductive and brings rebellion mindset in others.
7Avoid getting into a heated debate- The moment you realize your conversation moving towards verbal fighting. Retrace back. Peace of mind is more important than winning an argument.
8 Avoid crowd mentality- Herd behavior always pushes you to do something which you are not comfortable doing. It arises because people fear being left out socially. Always pursue things that you are comfortable doing, not what others force you to do.
9 Never ever try to be in relationships that are not built on mutual respect- Everyone has a sense of self-respect which they don't want to get hurt. Time and again you will meet such persons who have lots of bad things to say to you, criticize you for no reason. Make a pledge not to meet that person again.Try to eliminate that relationship for everyone's peace and prosperity.
10 Never ever feel that you get an upper hand and everyone will take a decision as per your terms- everyone has an independent mind and they will take decisions what suit them best.
11 Never try to get back in a relationship once it is broken- In this fast-paced world, you got to move on- it's the only rational move.Thinking about the past, crying, and making an attempt to get back doesn't work.It is reality. Even you get back -relationship wouldn't be same as it used to be.
12 Never let anyone take control of your life- If things have gone horribly wrong or things are not working out. You got to think, doing root cause analysis why is it happening like this? and come out with a solution on your own. Nobody can help you except you.
13 Never lose confidence in yourself- you can do wonders -you got to believe it. Unless you are confident in yourself -nobody can be confident about you.
14 Don't try to do too many things at a time- In a world flooded with information overload and the urge of doing everything all at a time.You end up putting a lot of mental stress in yourself and your productivity remains zero. Pick one task-work on it-finish it and then move to another work.
15 Move out from the world of a show-off- It may give you a short burst of excitement. But it cannot be continued for long period and eventually, too much expectation from others will mentally drown you.Do only those thing which you love to do-not what people expects you to do.
16 Never laugh at others' struggles- you have no idea what other person is going through or what challenges he is facing. If you cannot acknowledge their struggle/help in their struggle, at least don't mock them.
17 Never try to please everybody- No matter what you achieve, what you do. You will always have someone who holds grudge against you /will be selfish to you/will say bad things about you. Some things are not in control and you got to accept it. Live only those lives which you are comfortable living.
18 Never be in a relationship which is one sided.-Human relationship thrives on give and take. If someone gifts you something, you got to gift him back. If someone stands with you in a tough time, you got to stand with him/her during their struggle. That's what makes a relationship beautiful.
19 Don't ignore your mistakes- There is no human being in this world who has not made mistakes in life. Mistakes are an inevitable part of life that can shape you, transform you. Think why things have gone wrong? what made you do it? Think about all the questions revolving around your mistakes. Do not ignore it.Otherwise, it will make you commit the same mistake again.
20 Don't take others too seriously.- Others' acknowledgment is important but not getting others' acknowledgment should not put you off. Others behavior/decision is not in your hand. Don't hurt yourself because others don't hold you on high ground.
21 Don't take others' criticism seriously unless they specifically pointed out where you have gone wrong and how can you improve upon it. Criticism for sake of criticizing is a deplorable thing.